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Creative Education Vs Student Loans

Higher Education, as we know it, is changing and colleges are going to be in for a rude awakening. Ask yourself this question. What is the purpose of going to college? Some would say to grow and to learn and explore new ideas. To get credentials so you can get a job. Do you really need to pay $100,000 for this experience? We have heard countless stories of successful people who did not go to college. How did they do it you may ask? It comes down to the three D’s. Determination, Discipline and Dedication. People go to college to learn discipline, or if they need to figure out what they want to do in life. They may have some idea, but want to explore all there is to learn in their field of interest. I do realize that there are definitely some professions that actually require a degree. Rigorous testing is required in order to even operate in the fields like attorneys, doctors, CPA’s, etc. However, there are several career paths where this is not required. Let’s look at some more creative ways that you accomplish increasing your knowledge in a field without coming out of college with an enormous amount of debt.

In researching my business, I discovered a phenomenal educational platform called Coursera. This organization has partnered with many colleges including Ivy League schools such as Yale and the Wharton School of Business at Penn. They give you the opportunity to concentrate specifically in your area of study. The courses run anywhere from 4-6 weeks. You can take the courses for free, on-line or you can opt into getting a certification once you complete the course. You can get the certification for under $100. They also have areas of specializations which allows you to take several courses in your area of study. You can complete their specialization program for under $1,000. In a 4 year institution, you could pay more than this for one class. This is a much more economical way to gain the knowledge you need in your area of study. Check out their website and explore for yourself

Also, consider working with a Coach or Mentor. You can work with someone that is already well established in your field of study and get hands on experience. So many learn by actually doing. You would be surprised by the number people who are willing to mentor or offer on the job training. You can offer to work for free in exchange for the education you would be receiving. In many cases, you may even receive a small stipend for your services. You will gain valuable on the job experience while your peers are attending college and learning theory. You automatically gain an edge over them.

You can learn a lot just by simply reading a book. Reading a book is a great way to increase your knowledge in a certain field of study.

Now you may say who would hire me without the college credentials to back me up. Never let the qualification of needing a degree deter you from applying for a job that you are qualified for and you know that you have the knowledge to excel in the position. It is up to you to go into the interview with confidence and knowing that you are the best candidate and why. Personally, as an employer myself, experience and confidence that you can bring value to the position will always trump a degree.

As you can see all of these ideas are way less expensive than a four year institution. There are several more creative ways to walk into your successful life journey by thinking outside the path steps that society has dictated to us. Look at the options that are available now.

YOU are in control of your future!

Founded in 2015, DNA Financial Services LLC has pledged to Educate, Empower and Equip the financial DNA of clients now and for generations to come. The company offers a number of financial services designed to bridge the gap in wealth building education while aiding and advocating for the financial literacy of people from all walks of life.

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