A great strategy for establishing Wealth is getting out of debt. Having a lot of debt erodes your Net Worth. Debt enslaves you and keeps you from living the life of your dreams in peace.
Living a debt free lifestyle allows you the freedom to do the things that you really want to do in life. You are not enslaved to a creditor! Debt is a distraction that keeps us from the passion that we were placed on earth to do. This is why Jesus’s death is referred to as his passion, because he came to the world to die for us so that we would be saved. What is your passion? What legacy do you want to leave on this earth?
The scriptures tell us that the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and added no sorrow. Debt is a sorrow that eats away at wealth. Being Debt Free opens up so many possibilities and liberties.
If you are ready to find how a debt free lifestyle lets you discover your wealth, contact Angela at DNA Financial to set up a one on one strategy consultation.