Don't Talk About IT,
Be About IT!

You keep telling yourself that you want to get out of debt and get your finances in order every time you see a new toy that you can’t afford or that next emergency hits that takes you in a downward spiral.
You know your money situation is not right and rehearsing that you NEED to get out of debt is NOT getting you there!
It’s time to give yourself the freedom that you deserve on your own terms.
Angela Mitchell’s Financial Empowerment Workbook was meant to get your finances lean and mean so that you can take a deep breath. And yes, maybe get that new toy that you desire, too! 😊
The ultimate goal of this workbook is to put you face-to-face with your finances, but with a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) foundation underneath your feet. That’s why inside this workbook, Angela has included, financial worksheets, expense and budget forms, and bill pay calendar. She even included a DVD of her personally explaining how to use each area of this amazing tool!
Look, you have the courage to walk this journey, just like thousands before you have. Angela and her staff have come together to make sure that at the end of this workbook, you are more confident about your finances than ever before!
What are you waiting on?
Don’t leave this page without purchasing your copy of Angela Mitchell’s Financial Empowerment Workbook designed to help you:
Discover your financial habits with a financial behavior assessment.
Understand what ‘paying yourself first’ really means.
Create a customized spending plan for your household.
Develop a debt elimination blueprint.
NOW is the time to become financially empowered and fully engaged in your financial future.
PURCHASE YOUR COPY OF Angela Mitchell’s Financial Empowerment Workbook Today!